Gutter Glitter

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2003-03-02 - 8:59 p.m.


1. 1. Religion 1. 1

Judaism: This religion isn't really a problem for me, personally, since it is an alien religion - that is a religion that I remain distant or better isolated from through natural means. However, I have been doing some reading, getting some facts on it, and there are some things that I just don't agree with. They are:
  • Kol Nidre How damned dishonest can you get?
  • Jewish Rejection and Bigotry of Christianity and Gentiles It's true that the more Talmud-observant Jews do tend to have problems with Christ and Christianity. However, the more Torah-observant have on occassions, at least claimed to accept Christ.
  • Circumcision A very painful and needless barbarism handed down from generation to generation. It's abuse. Stop it!
Christianity It's a big mistake! And since the Tribe of Judah created it, and placed it in the minds of the Gentiles, then they need to cleanse it from this world.

2. 2. Politics 2. 2.

  • Anti-Semitism: Frankly, lots of ppl think that the Jews are only "persecuted" for their religion. While that may or may not play a major role in that campaign, those who are billed as anti-semites think that they're simply persecuted for being assholes. After all, look at it this way, even God's own chosen, aren't exempt from the asshole factor that everybody else shares. Frankly, I think I agree with the dissidents.
  • Biblical Anti-Semetism I've heard the charge that the Bible is somehow anti-semetic. And I say: Bull-fuckin'-shit!!

    It is a charge used mainly by eager atheists and Jews even at times who are on a warpath to desredit it, although it needs no help in doing that on it's own.

    What they seem to be ignorant of is the history behind the Bible. The Bible - that is the NT in particular - was written by Jews -(Saul of Taurus aka St Paul namely and others?) - for Gentiles. And as a matter fact, until sometime during the Late Roman Empire - before the conversion of Roman Nobility to the religion, Jews and Christians were largely considered to be identical twins. In fact, even the same religion by the outsiders, because the only difference between Jews and Christians back then were the difference in a choice of Prophets like Elijah, Leviticus, Daniel, etc.

  • Israel and Zionism: Two words: Praise Osama.
  • The Holocost Frankly I really don't know and don't care if the Holocaust did or didn't happen. Nowadays, it's rather irrelevant in the sense that it's ancient history, as is Negro Slavery and all these tear-jerk issues on the subject of race-relations.

    Honestly, it reminds me of the story of Exodus... Where King Ramses orders the execution of every first born Jew male. Now scholars have found evidence that the events described in that story never took place, and everyone commonly accepts it professionally.

    However, the same should apply to the Holocaust as well. Fair's fair, don't you think? If it happened, then there will be plenty of evidence to support it. But if the evidence is absent, then they're obviously full of shit, the same as everyone else.

    And that's what got me really into the physics behind the holocaust. One time I was watching some court documentary on the libel case between David Irving and Deborah Lipstadt . The reason he was suing her is irrelevant, but anyway, during the trial the prosecution interviewed a supposed "Auschwitz Expert" who could not, for his life, show the court where the holes - that would be necessary to perform a large part of the Holocaust mythos - were, and refute Irving's claim that no such holes existed, and therefore, no cyanide or Zyklon-B or whatever could be dropped into the showers to begin with.

3. 3. Jewish Women 3. 3.

As I think I've said somewhere b4, Jewish women have a tendency to be rather homely - that is, ooooggggllllyyy!!! But on the other hand, there always exceptions to every norm, tendency, rule, etc. To me, the case of Chandra Levy - whom for a Jewess gave me a bulge - comes to mind.

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